Founding member of Vancouver Rape Relief, Lee Lakeman, responds to Rabble founder, Judy Rebick’s article, “My Feminism is Trans Inclusive.”

Founding member of Vancouver Rape Relief, Lee Lakeman, responds to Rabble founder, Judy Rebick’s article, “My Feminism is Trans Inclusive.”
Canada’s longest standing rape crisis centre was stripped of city funding due to their women-only policy, but the women behind the organization and its supporters refuse to give up.
As the Vancouver Public Library (VPL) worried about strained relationships with and the safety of “trans, gender-variant, and two-spirited individuals” due to the impending arrival of Meghan Murphy (founder of Feminist Current),…
Trans activists have successfully lobbied Vancouver politicians to deny city funding to Canada’s oldest rape crisis centre, on account of their woman-only policy.
On January 10, 2019, Lee Lakeman spoke on a panel at the Vancouver Public Library about gender identity and women’s rights.
Meghan Murphy speaks with Daisy Kler, a member of the Vancouver Rape Relief collective, about the challenges faced by women in Canada due to race and class oppression, and the ways the left often fails to take misogyny seriously.
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Daisy Kler, a longtime anti-male violence activist in Vancouver, about the reality of racism and male violence in Canada.
‘Tis the season for capitalistic consumption in the name of Jebus! This year, put your money towards a better cause: women and girls. Not by any means a comprehensive list, here are…