Belgium’s new labour law allows pimps to file government complaints against prostitutes who turn down clients and sex acts
Tag: the sex industry
I don’t advocate against the sex trade because I hate prostitutes, but because I acknowledge the truth about what happens in the industry
Pornography has been fully normalized and mainstreamed, so why do men still feel ashamed about their porn use?
A new Netflix documentary claims to look at trafficking on Pornhub but acts as industry propaganda instead.
Many argue OnlyFans empowers women — ensuring they can work independently (and make a lot of money), but is it true?
Embed from Getty Images Some of you may have observed my recent attempts to explore conversations about porn and strip clubs in slightly more nuanced ways than I have in the past.…
We know porn consumption harms children. But is it fine, as a New Zealand PSA implies, if it is watched only by adults who understand the acts they see on film are “not real”?
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Michelle Mara about the effect of decriminalizing prostitution in New Zealand.
The New Zealand Prostitutes’ Collective response to COVID-19 highlights the fact that full decriminalization of prostitution does not actually protect women.
The president of the Fédération des femmes du Québec, a trans-identified male, has made controversial statements for years, pitting women against one another. Has he finally gone too far?
Last week, 22-year-old Marylène Lévesque was murdered by a 51-year-old man named Eustachio Gallese. Lévesque was in prostitution, employed by a Quebec “massage parlour,” where men paid her for sex. The Montreal Gazette…
Not only does pornography impact women in the sex trade, but it harms society at large. And we are seeing the results on a widespread basis.
The porn industry drives prostitution, which means critics of pornography cannot challenge one without challenging the other.
I am never relieved when evil men die. Rather, I feel angry — ripped off. Those men never got their comeuppance. Today, a king among evil men died too soon. Just 24…
There is an unresolvable contradiction when a rape crisis centre supports “sex work.”