We seem to have reached something like the opposite of a critical mass. A critical lack, rather — wherein people are looking around and asking, “What happened to the lesbian?” As we…
Now far in the rear view mirror, the (Bill) Clinton years seem like a turning point for contemporary social movement strategy. For that generation of young people onward, progressive politics was remade…
#WeAreTheLeft pic.twitter.com/nUCec4Gi25 — HR-Compliant Freddie (@freddiedeboer) July 13, 2016 Yesterday, the ongoing self-parody that is liberal feminism reached its natural pinnacle with #WeAreTheLeft. In a letter to no one in particular, a…
A few weeks after I had published online a critique of the ideology of the trans movement, I was at lunch with a friend who has long been part of various movements…
When all else fails, call your opponents TERFs. Regardless of the subject matter of the disagreement. TERF = Witch. pic.twitter.com/x4sLBhlOZZ — Becca Reilly-Cooper (@boodleoops) November 8, 2015 I used to hate so-called…
Pay attention, if you’re not already neck-deep in the gender wars of online feminism. TERF is an acronym for “Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist” that its users claim is applied purely descriptively. Critics…
The philosophy and race class, for which I was serving as a teaching assistant, had just discussed the metaphysics of race. One day I stood in front of my students and asked:…