Today’s shameless lesbians won’t be queered

We seem to have reached something like the opposite of a critical mass. A critical lack, rather — wherein people are looking around and asking, “What happened to the lesbian?” As we…

#WeAreTheLeft: The day identity politics killed identity politics

#WeAreTheLeft pic.twitter.com/nUCec4Gi25 — HR-Compliant Freddie (@freddiedeboer) July 13, 2016 Yesterday, the ongoing self-parody that is liberal feminism reached its natural pinnacle with #WeAreTheLeft. In a letter to no one in particular, a…

Why I no longer hate ‘TERFs’

When all else fails, call your opponents TERFs. Regardless of the subject matter of the disagreement. TERF = Witch. pic.twitter.com/x4sLBhlOZZ — Becca Reilly-Cooper (@boodleoops) November 8, 2015 I used to hate so-called…

How ‘TERF’ works

Pay attention, if you’re not already neck-deep in the gender wars of online feminism. TERF is an acronym for “Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist” that its users claim is applied purely descriptively. Critics…

Defending the ‘TERF’: Gender as political

The philosophy and race class, for which I was serving as a teaching assistant, had just discussed the metaphysics of race.  One day I stood in front of my students and asked:…