The male centred progressive left has successfully made woman-hating trendy.
Does anyone else think the ‘Karen’ slur is woman hating and based on class prejudice? — Julie Bindel (@bindelj) April 5, 2020 I did not want to write about Karen, because I…
As the Vancouver Public Library (VPL) worried about strained relationships with and the safety of “trans, gender-variant, and two-spirited individuals” due to the impending arrival of Meghan Murphy (founder of Feminist Current),…
The smearing, harassment, no-platforming, and silencing of women who express feminist opinions about gender and prostitution is unacceptable.
In Julie Bindel’s new book, “The Pimping of Prostitution: Abolishing the Sex Work Myth,” she explores the connection between the “sex work” lobby and trans rights activism.
During the second wave, there was a bonafide feminist bookstore movement. Women’s spaces, presses, writing, and events were seen as integral to feminism. This meant that women’s bookstores were valued, not only…
Now far in the rear view mirror, the (Bill) Clinton years seem like a turning point for contemporary social movement strategy. For that generation of young people onward, progressive politics was remade…
#WeAreTheLeft — HR-Compliant Freddie (@freddiedeboer) July 13, 2016 Yesterday, the ongoing self-parody that is liberal feminism reached its natural pinnacle with #WeAreTheLeft. In a letter to no one in particular, a…
A few weeks after I had published online a critique of the ideology of the trans movement, I was at lunch with a friend who has long been part of various movements…
Look at Ms. going full SWERF on us. The hell is this? — Amadi (@amaditalks) November 4, 2015 Like many feminists, my interest in women’s rights began when I started noticing…