An online mob is personally attacking Meghan Murphy in an attempt to destroy her livelihood, as punishment for daring to speak out against the sexual exploitation of women. Sign and share the…
Tag: Susan Cox
Arjun Seth, the chief executive of Protein World, has labeled feminists who defaced his “aspirational” poster “terrorists.” “‘Body-shaming‘ is a terribly weak term to describe the enormous impact of a misogynist, fat-hating culture…
Amy Schumer learns about “real beauty.” Shocking: Woody Allen’s new movie revolves around a neurotic, middle-aged man & and a beautiful younger woman who inexplicably adores him. “Many organizers at the forefront…
“Millennial women are the slowest to have babies of any generation in U.S. history.” New study finds that the millennial generation — famous for moving back in with parents after college — is…
Comedian reveals two-way mirror in women’s toilet at Illinois bar. These brave men fight to end sexual violence by… putting on lipstick. Cops strip the corpse of a young woman to take…
“Pornography has changed the landscape of adolescence beyond all recognition.” Doctor reports that in recent years she has treated a growing number of young girls for internal injuries caused by anal sex…
“Beaver’s Breath” and “No Bra” are not traditional Apache women’s names. “Native actors walk off set of Adam Sandler movie after insults to women and elders.” Many Native tribes had a matrilineal…
Get yourself to Michfest this August because the legendary women’s music festival’s 40th anniversary will be its last. Imagine if we only studied the health effects of smoking one cigarette. This is…
21 year old woman tragically dies after taking a dangerously effective weight loss drug. Real-life crime labs are a total mess — faked test results, hundreds of errors, mixed up DNA evidence…
Cop found not guilty of murdering 22-year-old woman, Rekia Boyd. Sexism and racism take toll on black women’s health. Media baffled by four “typical” men seen doing “fairly average things,” who together…
Michael Bublé posts photo of woman’s butt on Instagram without her consent. After coming under fire for secretly objectifying this woman to hundreds of thousands, Bublé states it was meant to be…
What would Dove’s #ChooseBeautiful Campaign look like if it were aimed at men? Middle School Principal deems female student’s “FEMINIST” t-shirt offensive. The Netherlands grants subsidies to disabled men to have sex…
Good news ladies, now even our stretch marks can be sexualized! All of civilization was built on the backs of women. World Health Organization urges countries to stop performing “Virginity Tests” on…
“This map shows every American State where women are more likely to live in poverty than men.” Pittsburg store lets women pay 76 cents to every man’s dollar. Ex-Ontario Deputy Minister, Benjamin…