Tag: interviews

PODCAST: Why feminists care about sex robots

“I don’t see technology as neutral — I see technology as driven by cultural forces. And the cultural forces that are driving this technology is the commercial sex trade.”

Why algorithms aren’t working for women

Algorithms are everywhere. They’re the unnoticed mechanisms that determine everything from the temperature in your office, to the content of your Facebook feed, to the information Google shows you in search results.…

PODCAST: The trouble with transing kids

The days of Marlo Thomas’ “Free to be… You and Me,” it seems, are long gone. Now, when kids don’t quite “fit” within the gender roles prescribed by a patriarchal society, no…

PODCAST: Contextualizing the burkini/bikini debate

Just today media reported that a court in the French Mediterranean island of Corsica has upheld a burkini ban issued by a local mayor, despite the fact that a higher court recently…

PODCAST: Womyn’s Gathering 2016

This week, 300 women have gathered for a five-day long feminist meeting in an “eco-domain” in Normandy, France. The will discuss topics like heterosexuality, lesbianism, anti-racism, ecofemism, and more. There will also…