Yet again, a woman has claimed a marginalized identity that does not belong to her. First, there was Rachel Dolezal, the former National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter…

Yet again, a woman has claimed a marginalized identity that does not belong to her. First, there was Rachel Dolezal, the former National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter…
The media has almost wholly ignored Abigail Shrier’s book. In doing so, they ensure it will not exist for potential readers, depriving the public sphere of the research and arguments Shrier presents.
Three young women recount being rushed into transition before realizing they’d made the wrong choice.
The truth behind the “trans child” character on The Babysitters’ Club is that violence was used to teach Kai what girls and boys are permitted to do and be.
How can we determine what are good and bad ideas in the gender identity debate if we cancel those having the conversation?
Detransitioners are living proof that the practices surrounding “trans youth” need be questioned, yet their experiences are too often ignored.
Positive traits and behaviour are accessible to and should be embraced by everyone, whether male or female. “Healthy masculinity” is really just healthy humanity.
On October 29, 2019, I spoke at the Toronto Public Library at an event called, “Gender Identity: What Does It Mean for Society, the Law, and Women?” Hundreds protested, claiming what I…
If we can see the problem with sexualizing girls in beauty contests, surely we can see the similarities in “drag kids.”
Academics should be standing together in defence of universities’ fundamental values: the pursuit of truth, evidence-based research, and academic freedom. They should not be joining in when identity groups mob their colleagues.
We often talk about women’s unpaid labour — the work women do in the home, in terms of child rearing, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, and so on and so forth, that not…
If a new Swedish bill becomes law, individuals will be able to self-identify as the opposite sex without any surgical or hormonal interventions. But if that happens, what will become women?
Liberal media has a problem with feminism. Namely, they don’t get it. Or they pretend not to, in any case. I am willing to acknowledge that “gender” is a confusing concept, to…