People everywhere were appalled at the treatment of David Dao on United flight 3411. When will they rise up against the abuse of women in pornography?

People everywhere were appalled at the treatment of David Dao on United flight 3411. When will they rise up against the abuse of women in pornography?
I remember when I was first struck by the question: If prostitution is against the law in the US, why isn’t porn? A friend of mine was telling me about an undercover…
Is Montreal Canada’s Las Vegas? A film by Ève Lamont called The Sex Trade (Le commerce du sexe) reveals that the situation in Quebec is much worse than many had imagined (myself…
In recent years, there has been growing media coverage, academic research, government interest, and public anger about what’s known as “revenge porn.” But a false separation between “revenge pornography” and the proliferation…
Last week CTV’s W5 aired a two-part series on internet porn. Part one focused on the way in which ever-younger children were becoming consumed with violent pornography, causing them to become “addicted”…
Question: How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: That’s not funny. The “humour” here is that feminists are allegedly killjoys who can’t take a joke. If that…
The last time two hours felt this long, I was in labour. Was I having a triple root canal sans anesthetic? Was I having a limb amputated? No. I was sitting through…
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been interviewed by male journalists who have been clearly antagonistic to my feminist, anti-porn position. I can usually tell within the first five…