Meghan Murphy speaks with Phyllis Chesler about her new book, Requiem for a Female Serial Killer.
Tag: abuse
Why deal with facts when you can claim to know your opponent better than they know themselves?
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with the director and producer of “Jennifer, 42,” a feature length animated documentary about a victim of coercive control.
Meghan Murphy speaks with Dawn Wilcox, founder of Women Count USA, a national database and femicide census of all women and girls murdered by men in the United States.
How can we claim to oppose abuse, while simultaneously presenting it as “sexy”?
Two women have gone public about abuse they were subjected to on porn sets, but in order to ensure this kind of thing doesn’t happen to any other woman, we need to talk about why we allow men to sexualize violence against women in the first place.
Sending girls the message that an abusive situation can turn into a love story if they just stick it out and show compassion is a dangerous game.
People everywhere were appalled at the treatment of David Dao on United flight 3411. When will they rise up against the abuse of women in pornography?
Janet Jackson’s Nasty was a response to “emotionally abusive, sexually threatening” men. It was born, she said, “out of a sense of self-defense.” While Jackson’s “nasty” was aimed at predatory men, tonight…
Last week, Megan Short, 33, posted a request to Facebook, asking for help moving on August 6. Only weeks earlier, she had commented under an article posted by a friend, saying she…
In light of the typical and ongoing speculation about what possible reasons Amber Heard might have had to avoid speaking out publicly about Johnny Depp’s abuse previously (Probably because accusing high powered…
This morning, Jian Ghomeshi was found not guilty on all charges — four counts of sexual assault and one count of overcoming resistance by choking. This verdict, unfortunately, is not particularly surprising.…
Predictably, the Jian Ghomeshi sexual assault trial has focused far more on what the victims did “wrong” than on the perpetrator’s behaviour. Story after story in the media paints a picture of…
Early Sunday morning, Colin Kingston showed up at his ex-girlfriend’s house, angry and equipped with a large knife. He allegedly let himself in through a back door* and went up to 21-year-old…
In Leah McLaren’s Toronto Life story on fallen star, Jian Ghomeshi, she writes, What’s startling about the allegations against Jian is not that a seemingly law-abiding person is accused of doing terrible…