Founding member of Vancouver Rape Relief, Lee Lakeman, responds to Rabble founder, Judy Rebick’s article, “My Feminism is Trans Inclusive.”

Founding member of Vancouver Rape Relief, Lee Lakeman, responds to Rabble founder, Judy Rebick’s article, “My Feminism is Trans Inclusive.”
Canada is still obligated to protect women’s sex-based rights, and it’s our job to remind our representatives of that.
Meghan Murphy speaks with Katherine Acosta and Lauren Levey about the aims of WHRC USA and the problem posed to women by the Equality Act (H.R. 5).
Women, even at their most difficult, do not cause the same kind of problems that arise as a result of men’s presence in women’s shelters. Women do not treat other women the way men treat women. Women do not do to other women what men do to women.
New York State rushed through a bill legalizing commercial surrogacy despite ongoing opposition from women’s groups.
The men, women, and corporations who used IWD to virtue signal while actively working against all the feminist movement has achieved, to date, should be ashamed.
Elizabeth Warren cannot simultaneously claim to fight for women’s rights while advocating to endanger women in prison.
Trans activists have successfully lobbied Vancouver politicians to deny city funding to Canada’s oldest rape crisis centre, on account of their woman-only policy.
Meghan Murphy speaks with Linda Blade, President of Athletics Alberta, coach, and former heptathlete, about the need for sex-segregated sport.
Lee Lakeman, Meghan Murphy, and surprise guest Fay Blaney spoke to a packed house on Thursday, despite protests and efforts to shut down the event.
Meghan Murphy interviews Judith Green, a longtime socialist activist who recently helped to launch Woman’s Place UK, a group committed to supporting women’s sex-based rights and challenging proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act.
Shon Faye claims to be in solidarity with women, but if that’s true, why doesn’t he respect our autonomy?