Belgium’s new labour law allows pimps to file government complaints against prostitutes who turn down clients and sex acts
I don’t advocate against the sex trade because I hate prostitutes, but because I acknowledge the truth about what happens in the industry
A new Netflix documentary claims to look at trafficking on Pornhub but acts as industry propaganda instead.
The Australian government claims it supports decriminalizing the sex industry in order to remove “stigma” from “sex workers.” In reality, it’s just cheaper.
Susan Sarandon insists “sex work is work,” betraying so many women who admire her.
An intersectional analysis should reveal the exploitative nature of prostitution and surrogacy, yet intersectional feminists support surrogacy for poor women as a means of earning livelihood and believe criticizing the sex trade is “exclusionary.”
Decriminalization makes it harder to support prostituted women during the coronavirus pandemic.
The woke left don’t believe their own hype, and the sooner you get honest, the sooner you get free.
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Michelle Mara about the effect of decriminalizing prostitution in New Zealand.
The New Zealand Prostitutes’ Collective response to COVID-19 highlights the fact that full decriminalization of prostitution does not actually protect women.
Last week, 22-year-old Marylène Lévesque was murdered by a 51-year-old man named Eustachio Gallese. Lévesque was in prostitution, employed by a Quebec “massage parlour,” where men paid her for sex. The Montreal Gazette…
Women’s motivations for paying for sex are notably different than men’s, and demonstrate we are a long way from female sexual liberation.
Raquel Rosario Sanchez speaks with four women who participated in a recent event looking at the experiences of women of colour in the sex trade, and the connection between racism and prostitution.
Thousands of migrant women and girls are being silently smuggled into the UK for sex trafficking every year — the UK government needs to ensure its immigration laws aren’t making it harder for those women to escape their abusers.
The porn industry drives prostitution, which means critics of pornography cannot challenge one without challenging the other.