When looking for alternatives to the criminal justice system, we need to be realistic, not idealistic.
Women in the aviation have been subjected to misogyny for decades — what needs to change to ensure more women can enter the industry?
Jen Izaakson reports from the courtroom, as Tara Wolf is tried for assaulting Maria MacLachlan.
Working class women and Labour Party members are incensed at being harassed and silenced in their attempts to discuss gender identity. But they are fighting back.
Over 200 Canadians have signed on to a letter demanding the BC NDP condemn and address the behaviour of its Vice President, Morgane Oger.
Trans activists successfully derail Rose McGowan’s efforts to speak out against sexual assault with accusations of “transphobia.”
A Finnish performing arts high school is embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal after administrators ignored the behaviour of male teachers for decades.
Julie Bindel reveals that the “sex worker led” hashtag campaign #NotYourRescueProject was actually created by Dr. John Davies, masquerading as one of the women he pimped and trafficked.
Efforts to silence feminist speech have taken a violent turn.
It is concerning that two events aimed primarily at women (that purport a connection to feminism) have partnered with lobby groups promoting prostitution as an empowered choice.
On May 31, the Dominican Senate voted to uphold a total ban on abortion. Even in cases of rape and incest, and when the woman’s life is in danger.
Following a four-year undercover human trafficking investigation, York Regional Police have arrested 104 men for attempting to sexually exploit children.
I remember when I was first struck by the question: If prostitution is against the law in the US, why isn’t porn? A friend of mine was telling me about an undercover…
During the second wave, there was a bonafide feminist bookstore movement. Women’s spaces, presses, writing, and events were seen as integral to feminism. This meant that women’s bookstores were valued, not only…
The Argentinian feminist collective behind Black Wednesday back in October have called for an International Women’s Strike. Planned to coincide with the International Day to End Violence Against Women, Ni Una Menos…