While everyone deserves love and compassion, women’s empathy towards troubled men happens too often at our expense.

With Valentine’s Day looming, legions of men are plotting marriage proposals to their girlfriends. But we must stay strong, women, and not be lured in by this “season of romance,” because take…

The news of the Ashley Madison data breach and subsequent release of users’ confidential details last week has been met with varied responses, some natural (good lord, a lot of our information…
Progressives around the world celebrated this weekend as Ireland voted 62 per cent in favour of legalizing same-sex marriage. This win is significant and important for a country that only decriminalized homosexuality…
Women. They all just can’t wait for a man to “put a ring on it” and commit to starting a family. But men… Men have such a hard time letting go of…
I tend not to involve myself in debates around marriage, commitment and monogamy. Moral arguments don’t do it for me and I have little to no interest in arguing for monogamy (if…