The concept of “political lesbianism” has been the subject of heated debate among lesbians and feminists for many decades, though probably left off the radar of those outside lesbian feminist circles. The…
Three young women recount being rushed into transition before realizing they’d made the wrong choice.
Every morning I’m up at seven trying to knock out 2,000 words before noon. Some days I’m more successful than others, but I’m persistent, and focused — because the need to express…
Meghan Murphy interviews lesbian feminist Julia Beck about coming out, fighting sex self-identification, the Equality Act, and working within — and without — the system.
As the Vancouver Public Library (VPL) worried about strained relationships with and the safety of “trans, gender-variant, and two-spirited individuals” due to the impending arrival of Meghan Murphy (founder of Feminist Current),…
Get The L Out is about more than defending lesbian’s sexual and political boundaries — it is also about creating a common future for lesbians and other women.
Tonje Gjevjon was a girl who stuck out — not feminine enough and a lesbian, she worries that today she would have been transitioned into a boy.
Rather than represent the LGBT community, Stonewall has cashed in on the corporate world’s desire to appear progressive and to use LGBT rights as a marketing tool.
“There is a history of lesbians — and similarly, there is a history of black people — that both seem to be hidden from history, and we keep being ‘disappeared.'”
Julie Bindel argues that fear and funding are the two primary reasons LGBT organizations are abandoning lesbians to cater to the demands of trans activists.