
Can men and women be ‘just’ friends? My interview with Sam

Earlier this month ago I began a little project based on the frequently asked question: “Can men and women be ‘just’ friends?” For the purposes of my (and hopefully your) entertainment and…

Can men and women be 'just' friends? My interview with Amy

Earlier this month ago I began a little project based on the frequently asked question: “Can men and women be ‘just’ friends?” For the purposes of my (and hopefully your) entertainment and…

The legal brothels of Nevada: An interview with Julie Bindel

The legalization of prostitution is something that is often promoted as a way to make the industry ‘safer’ for women, a concept that is challenged by feminists who believe that prostitution can…

Transcript: Meghan Murphy interviews Shira Tarrant

This interview was transcribed by Ernesto Aguilar and was originally published at his site: People of Color Organize! This post was reprinted with permission. This is a flash transcript of an interview…

PODCAST: Should feminists be vegetarian?

The idea that feminists ‘should’ or ‘should not’ be anything is contentious. Of course when one says you ‘should’ be anything, we are bound to become defensive. The idea that feminists ‘should’…