So long as Aimee Challenor is involved with Stonewall, no-one should be looking to Stonewall to support youth or the LGB.

So long as Aimee Challenor is involved with Stonewall, no-one should be looking to Stonewall to support youth or the LGB.
Chelsea B. reports on the proceedings of a human rights case, wherein a biological male has claimed discrimination, after being denied a “Brazilian bikini wax” by a number of local female aestheticians.
Women warned the media, politicians, activists, and the public about the repercussions of gender identity ideology and legislation, and now that those repercussions are being played out in real time, those warned remain silent.
Academics should be standing together in defence of universities’ fundamental values: the pursuit of truth, evidence-based research, and academic freedom. They should not be joining in when identity groups mob their colleagues.
Tonje Gjevjon was a girl who stuck out — not feminine enough and a lesbian, she worries that today she would have been transitioned into a boy.
This is an edited transcript of a talk given by Dagny, a detransitioned young woman and member of the Pique Resilience Project.
.@Gillette leading again on healthy masculinity. — Women’s March (@womensmarch) May 25, 2019 In their ongoing attempts to use politically correct politics to sell razors, Gillette has hit another home run.…
In 2018, the Swedish government proposed a new law that, if passed, will allow 15- to 18-year-old minors to undergo genital surgery if they wish, and if the procedure has been approved by the National Board of…
Katherine M. Acosta speaks with Nina Paley about her film, “Seder-Masochism,” her fight against copyright law, and trans activist efforts to de-platform her.
Rather than represent the LGBT community, Stonewall has cashed in on the corporate world’s desire to appear progressive and to use LGBT rights as a marketing tool.
Beth Stelzer fears trans activism puts the future of women’s sports in jeopardy, and wants to create a safe space for voices like hers.
Meghan Murphy speaks with Angela C. Wild of #GetTheLOut about her new report about the impact of trans ideology on lesbians.
If a new Swedish bill becomes law, individuals will be able to self-identify as the opposite sex without any surgical or hormonal interventions. But if that happens, what will become women?
Alicia Hendley bought into gender identity ideology (and went after anyone who challenged her), until she couldn’t ignore the facts any longer.