Rebecca Solnit has sold herself out, along with women everywhere.

Three young women recount being rushed into transition before realizing they’d made the wrong choice.
The truth behind the “trans child” character on The Babysitters’ Club is that violence was used to teach Kai what girls and boys are permitted to do and be.
How can we determine what are good and bad ideas in the gender identity debate if we cancel those having the conversation?
‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud? Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate…
Post-coronavirus, will “My non-binary status is about life and death” seem more clearly like the joke it is?
Every morning I’m up at seven trying to knock out 2,000 words before noon. Some days I’m more successful than others, but I’m persistent, and focused — because the need to express…
The men, women, and corporations who used IWD to virtue signal while actively working against all the feminist movement has achieved, to date, should be ashamed.
Canada’s longest standing rape crisis centre was stripped of city funding due to their women-only policy, but the women behind the organization and its supporters refuse to give up.
Restricting the rights of any demographic in order to provide more rights to another is the first step on a slippery slope to totalitarianism.
An event hosted by WoLF, “Fighting the New Misogyny: A Feminist Critique of Gender Identity,” featuring Lierre Keith, Meghan Murphy, Saba Malik, and Kara Dansky, was held in Seattle with heavy security and police presence.