Twitter allows online abuse against women, punishing those who attempt to hold men and the company to account.

Twitter allows online abuse against women, punishing those who attempt to hold men and the company to account.
Policy-makers and “gender identity” scholars may not care about biological sex, but it turns out that patriarchy does care very much about the female bodies of women and girls.
The neoliberal concept of freedom has opened up a space where a patriarchal authoritarianism, exemplified by gender identity politics, has been able to take root and thrive.
I don’t want to choose between the left and the right, I want to engage in critical thought, challenge myself, and form my own opinions.
Sex self-identification and the concept of “gender identity” are having major impacts on education, health, sports, and women’s safety in New Zealand that need to be examined.
Meghan Murphy interviews Renee Gerlich about her ongoing activism in New Zealand and the struggles she’s faced in doing this work.
Julie Moss speaks with Venice Allan, the organizer of We Need to Talk — a series of events aimed at discussing proposed changes to the UK Gender Recognition Act.
The GRA was not intended to change a person’s biological sex, but rather to change the way a person was viewed and treated by the law. Today, these issues have been addressed, so why the push to extend the Act?