New York State rushed through a bill legalizing commercial surrogacy despite ongoing opposition from women’s groups.
Does anyone else think the ‘Karen’ slur is woman hating and based on class prejudice? — Julie Bindel (@bindelj) April 5, 2020 I did not want to write about Karen, because I…
COVID-19 restrictions are pushing pregnant women into hospitals, but many are rebelling and choosing home birth or freebirth regardless.
The New Zealand Prostitutes’ Collective response to COVID-19 highlights the fact that full decriminalization of prostitution does not actually protect women.
Post-coronavirus, will “My non-binary status is about life and death” seem more clearly like the joke it is?
In short, everything that has sex, has a sex.
Every morning I’m up at seven trying to knock out 2,000 words before noon. Some days I’m more successful than others, but I’m persistent, and focused — because the need to express…
The men, women, and corporations who used IWD to virtue signal while actively working against all the feminist movement has achieved, to date, should be ashamed.
Studies have shown that viewing sexualized representations of women reduces empathic neurological responses. Could a collective rise in empathy curb sexism?
The president of the Fédération des femmes du Québec, a trans-identified male, has made controversial statements for years, pitting women against one another. Has he finally gone too far?
New York Fashion week saw Namilia designers collaborate with Pornhub to sell young women the lie that sexual objectification will liberate them.
Restricting the rights of any demographic in order to provide more rights to another is the first step on a slippery slope to totalitarianism.
Last week, 22-year-old Marylène Lévesque was murdered by a 51-year-old man named Eustachio Gallese. Lévesque was in prostitution, employed by a Quebec “massage parlour,” where men paid her for sex. The Montreal Gazette…
Gender neutral language in childbirth and the maternity care system may feel “polite,” but harms women.
Elizabeth Warren cannot simultaneously claim to fight for women’s rights while advocating to endanger women in prison.