

I’m a little late, as always. There are a few things I am good at, but time management is not among them. Yesterday was our birthday. I was running around like a…

The fight goes on (and on)

The attacks on Feminist Current and on women who speak out against the status quo will continue, yet we must keep fighting.

Alix Dobkin, head lesbian

“There are only two responses to freedom. One is trying to control everything. The other is to be creative and take risks.” -Alix Dobkin, 1994 Alix Dobkin, singer, songwriter, and the face…

irish women's lobby

Speak up for free speech — an Irish Women’s Lobby event

On Thursday, April 29, I spoke on a panel organized by the Irish Women’s Lobby called “Speak Up for Free Speech.” The panelists included myself, Lisa MacKenzie, Iseult White. Here is the…