Numerous ex-prostituted women spoke at Julie Bindel’s book launch in London, telling the raw, brutal truth about the sex industry.

Numerous ex-prostituted women spoke at Julie Bindel’s book launch in London, telling the raw, brutal truth about the sex industry.
Not everything needs to be torn apart in order to advertise progressive credibility. Sometimes good things and powerful moments can be celebrated — and this is one of those times.
When academics and leftists dismiss women’s concerns about their rights as a “moral panic,” they place themselves among the ranks of anti-feminists and the alt-right.
Universities are becoming more and more donor-driven — shouldn’t we be asking questions about how that funding shapes theory and discourse?
In two new books, Heather Brunskell-Evans and Michele Moore question the ideologies and practices that promote medical/technological “solutions” to gender, and Renate Klein analyzes the surrogacy industry as a form of exploitation of women and trafficking in babies.
Peter Jackson was applauded for admitting he played a role in blackballing female actors, but if men wish to be allies, they need to stop compartmentalizing and participating in sexism.
High heels are harmful and painful, but the pressures of femininity and marketing ensure women continue to suffer for “beauty.”
Feminists should be more concerned about the way the therapy model individualizes women’s oppression and professionalizes empathy.
Women around the world are fighting back against male violence against women, but you wouldn’t know it, following mainstream feminist media.
If pornography were empowering men would be standing around jacking off on each other and we wouldn’t get a look in.