From cuts to women’s services to threats to the rights of female employees, conversations around Brexit need to be gendered.
From female genital mutilation to domestic violence to femicide, women and girls around the world are living in fear.
Women in impoverished countries are exploited by Western men who publicly declare solidarity with women but behave differently in private.
The hypocrisy of trans activism is becoming too much to ignore.
Julie Moss interviews Gaye Chapman, an out lesbian who went to the Los Angeles 2018 Pride festival with a self-made flag. A photo of Gaye has since circulated on social media alongside the words, “Real lesbians are back.”
Julie Moss interviews Maria MacLachlan, who was attacked when trying to attend a meeting about proposed changes to the UK’s Gender Recognition Act.
In giving official honours to women who have advocated for the legalization of prostitution, the Queen effectively legitimizes the sex trade.
Jesse Singal’s piece about “detransitioners” was both well-reported and empathetic — so why is he being attacked?
Canada’s complicity with a US policy could well sentence thousands of Central American women to death.
University professors oppose the slanderous allegations against A Woman’s Place UK and support upholding the principles of freedom of speech and assembly in relation to the right of A Woman’s Place UK to hold meetings without participants being intimidated.
When looking for alternatives to the criminal justice system, we need to be realistic, not idealistic.
While everyone deserves love and compassion, women’s empathy towards troubled men happens too often at our expense.
For radical feminists, gender is understood as not merely a subjective internal sense of self; patriarchal gender norms are a product of culture, imposed on people and limiting everyone’s humanity.