
Can #MeToo help stop sex tourism?

Women in impoverished countries are exploited by Western men who publicly declare solidarity with women but behave differently in private.

Gaye Chapman: The woman behind the flag

Julie Moss interviews Gaye Chapman, an out lesbian who went to the Los Angeles 2018 Pride festival with a self-made flag. A photo of Gaye has since circulated on social media alongside the words, “Real lesbians are back.”

Open letter: Freedom of speech at the University of Bristol

University professors oppose the slanderous allegations against A Woman’s Place UK and support upholding the principles of freedom of speech and assembly in relation to the right of A Woman’s Place UK to hold meetings without participants being intimidated.

Neither cis nor TERF

For radical feminists, gender is understood as not merely a subjective internal sense of self; patriarchal gender norms are a product of culture, imposed on people and limiting everyone’s humanity.