Restricting the rights of any demographic in order to provide more rights to another is the first step on a slippery slope to totalitarianism.
An event hosted by WoLF, “Fighting the New Misogyny: A Feminist Critique of Gender Identity,” featuring Lierre Keith, Meghan Murphy, Saba Malik, and Kara Dansky, was held in Seattle with heavy security and police presence.
Last week, 22-year-old Marylène Lévesque was murdered by a 51-year-old man named Eustachio Gallese. Lévesque was in prostitution, employed by a Quebec “massage parlour,” where men paid her for sex. The Montreal Gazette…
Gender neutral language in childbirth and the maternity care system may feel “polite,” but harms women.
Elizabeth Warren cannot simultaneously claim to fight for women’s rights while advocating to endanger women in prison.
Detransitioners are living proof that the practices surrounding “trans youth” need be questioned, yet their experiences are too often ignored.
Caroline Norma reviews the bestselling “Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982,” a radical gift to #MeToo activists in the West, who are likely unfamiliar with the foundational Korean women’s liberation movement.
The Cypriot justice system and Pambos Napa Rocks hotel have failed to protect women from sexual violence and hold perpetrators to account.
Yesterday, a UK judge determined that Maya Forstater’s employer was justified in firing her for speaking out against gender identity legislation. Forstater lost her job as a tax expert at the Center…
As this year comes to an end, we are left to consider the epidemic of fake news, propping up a moral panic around violence against trans-identified people, aimed at distracting us from…
Embed from Getty Images Lizzo, a performer beloved by the “YAS KWEEN” social media chicks, who proclaim to be about female empowerment, but can’t seem to imagine said empowerment happening in pants,…
Changes to the Gender Recognition Act that would have allowed individuals to self-identify as the opposite sex have not been adopted, so why are self-ID policies being implemented across the UK?
It’s not about ‘toxic masculinity’ or ‘healthy masculinity,’ it’s about masculinity under patriarchy
Positive traits and behaviour are accessible to and should be embraced by everyone, whether male or female. “Healthy masculinity” is really just healthy humanity.
Katherine Denkinson delved into the world of MRAs to find out where the normalization of violence against women was coming from.
Amanda Jette Knox, a well-known Canadian “mommy blogger” turned trans activist, with both a transgender-identified child and spouse, wrote about how her family and marriage survived two “male to female” gender transitions.