California board of education votes to include “comfort women” (i.e. the thousands of women and girls exploited and raped by the Japanese Army during World War II) history in California textbooks. California…

California board of education votes to include “comfort women” (i.e. the thousands of women and girls exploited and raped by the Japanese Army during World War II) history in California textbooks. California…
Australian schools targeted by pornography ring led by teen boys and young men “hunting” girls for nude photos. (Despite the fact that these young men have the massive Internet porn machine at…
When I found the women, my entire world shifted. It had been a rough decade. Patriarchy had kicked my ass, and I was still dealing with the effects of a very long,…
The cool thing for “feminist” writers to do lately is “come out” as “non-binary” or “genderqueer.” These women claim to be non-binary based on the premise that they have complex inner lives…
It’s been one year since the final Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival. Forty years strong, Michfest was a pillar of lesbian culture, a bastion of women-only space, but more than that — it…
Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) is suing the U.S. federal government in order to challenge the recent dissolution of Title IX protections for women and girls in education. (Title IX of the Education…
The women who helped make misogyny be recorded as a hate crime in Nottingham are being bombarded with sexist, lesbophobic abuse. Hillary Clinton’s husband wears a fetching pantsuit to honour her nomination…
Ontario Court Justice Marvin Zuker finds York University student Mustafa Ururyar guilty of sexually assaulting fellow PhD student Mandi Gray. Zuker delivers a “revolutionary” 179-page indictment of how the Canadian legal system…
Michigan State University has closed its longstanding women-only study lounge, which, since 1925, sought to provide women with “a safe refuge and… haven for reflection, study, and solitude.” The change comes on…
Seattle police set up massage parlour sex-sting operation, arrest 204 johns. “We never anticipated this volume,” Sgt. Tom Umporowicz said of the “brisk business” at the police-operated Euro Spa. Brother of Pakistan’s…
Edward Downey, 46, has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder for the deaths of Sara Baillie and her five-year-old daughter, Taliyah Marsman. Last night a man drove an 18-ton truck…
Nottinghamshire Police will begin recording misogyny, like abuse and sexual harassment, as hate crimes. Australian judge says that incest and pedophilia “may be accepted” by society. BBC article attempts to posthumously erase…
On Thursday, German parliament (Bundestag) unanimously passed new rape legislation, based on the tenet of “no means no.” This is a huge step for Germany, as their current rape law is not…
Lewis Pierre found guilty of murdering Daria Pionko in Leeds’ “managed prostitution zone.” He beat her to death, “massacred” her face with his steel tip boots, then still had the audacity to…
In 2012, Gina-Lisa Lohfink, a German model and celebrity, reported to the police that she’d been drugged and raped by two men. She was unable to recall the events of the night,…