The floodgates open: Women call lawyer Gloria Allred alleging “inappropriate contact by Mr. Trump” It’s International Day of the Girl. A new report released by UNICEF finds that around the world girls…

The floodgates open: Women call lawyer Gloria Allred alleging “inappropriate contact by Mr. Trump” It’s International Day of the Girl. A new report released by UNICEF finds that around the world girls…
Last night I was talking to a male friend about porn. Over the course of our friendship, he has been made quite aware of my political opposition to porn as an exploitative…
This is a post for those who don't understand why I am boycotting FIDE's decision. I think it's unacceptable to host a WOMEN'S World Championship in a place where women do not…
California changes law to decriminalize child victims of sex trafficking. Oklahoma Supreme Court strikes down restrictive abortion law. Misogynistic Internet reacts with pleasure at the violence committed against Kim Kardashian. Laura Bates:…
Justice for Victims Act signed into California law, eliminating the criminal statute of limitations on rape in wake of Cosby case. Smithsonian American Art Museum features exhibit of lesbian artist, Romaine Brooks,…
CTV investigation exposes men preying on women by offering them a place to stay in exchange for raping them: “[Louisa] Russel [of Vancouver Rape Relief] says the sex that’s being exchanged for…
“Pickup artists” Jonas Dick, Alex Smith, and Jason Berlin (two of whom were working for working for Efficient Pickup, a San Diego company owned and operated by Real Social Dynamics alumni) are charged…
The U.N. needs more female peacekeepers to protect women in conflict, say speakers at U.N. defense summit. Currently, 96 per cent of U.N. peacekeepers are male, leading to rampant sexual abuse and…
Italy’s Supreme Court rules that men sexually assaulting women in public by flashing them and masturbating in front of them is no longer a crime. (I’d like to express my condolences to…
Sexual assault among young people is on the rise in Australia. Experts point to porn consumption. Alan Hawe killed his wife and three sons with a hatchet and knives — stop making…
Purvi Patel released from prison after feticide conviction overturned. For having a self-induced abortion, Patel was sentenced to 20 years in prison on charges of feticide and child neglect. Patel appealed in…
Thousands of students at the University of Texas, Austin carried giant dildos around campus last week to protest the state’s lax gun laws. Student Jessica Jin created “Cocks Not Glocks” in response…
Did you know “Go Topless Day” was created by a man? (You don’t say!) Raël, founder of a UFO religion called Raëlism, launched “Go Topless Day” in 2007 and is an alleged…
Lawsuit filed by Former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros says Fox News “operates like sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult.” “In the lawsuit, [Andrea] Tantaros said she was prohibited from wearing pants on air because,…
Gina-Lisa Lohfink fined €20,000 for bringing lawsuit against two men who gang-raped her. A dark day for the German criminal justice system. Here are some women who broke records at the Rio…