Anna Yocca, a Tennessee woman who was forced to attempt an unsafe self-abortion, now faces new felony charges. Yocca was first arrested for attempted murder of her fetus and thrown into county…

Anna Yocca, a Tennessee woman who was forced to attempt an unsafe self-abortion, now faces new felony charges. Yocca was first arrested for attempted murder of her fetus and thrown into county…
The post-election blame game is still in full swing: Who fucked up? Who can we hate? Who can we blame? Who let this happen? Its latest iteration is the charge that Hillary…
After protests, Turkey withdraws bill that would have legalized child rape if the perpetrator married his victim. Austerity measures hit UK women twice as hard as men. Ontario’s newest MPP is a…
In the wake of Trump’s victory, we have sought explanations: how can this nightmare have actually come true? Always a popular scapegoat, women have been getting a lot of the blame. While…
Gender identity activist Dana Rivers arrested for brutal murder of lesbian couple and their son. Feminist writer and artist, Renee Gerlich banned from New Zealand’s Wellington Zinefest for opposing the cover of…
Boy wears makeup. Is still a boy. The rise of the alt-right is clearly tied to the rise of MRA culture, a generation of young men raised on Internet porn. “When we…
Day one in Trump’s America: As I'm stopped at a gas station this morning, a group of guys yell over: "Time to get out of this country, Apu!" Day 1. — Manik…
IT’S ELECTION DAY, TRUMP MIGHT BE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S., AND WE ARE ALL FLIPPING OUT. But it’s okay because he’s probably not going to win, thanks to FEMALE VOTERS. Caught on…
Moroccan teenage girls to face trial on homosexuality charges. Rape videos for sale in India for less than three dollars. Glosswitch: Tattooing your name on your partner’s forehead is an act of…
Bono makes Glamour’s “Women of the Year” list. Because honoring only women with an award meant for them is an “outdated way of looking at things.” The National Women’s Law Center is…
The sex industry openly admits to feeding on women’s desperation and the racist legacy of empire — a Texas billboard suggests “undocumented” Mexican women get a “sugar daddy” in order to avoid…
Women in Iceland leave work at 2:38pm — 30 per cent earlier than the end of the regular work day — to protest wage gap with men. Cubs fans try to offset…
Portland strip club sexualizes murdering women by having women pose as naked brutalized corpses for a Halloween event. (But I suppose boys will be boys and want to indulge in a bit…
Porn sites have protested Prop 60 — a proposed law mandating condom use on porn sets — by blocking users’ access. The protest is based on the fact that “prolonged condom use…