Young male shooter, Esteban Santiago, opens fire in Florida airport, killing five people, injuring more. As usual, he was also an abuser of women; Santiago was being prosecuted for strangling his girlfriend.…

Young male shooter, Esteban Santiago, opens fire in Florida airport, killing five people, injuring more. As usual, he was also an abuser of women; Santiago was being prosecuted for strangling his girlfriend.…
Man sexually violates women in Walmart by squirting them with semen-filled syringes. Heroic and remarkable campaigner for sexual assault victims Jill Saward dies at 51. Massachusetts man caught recording women in TJ Maxx…
Women’s conference in Oslo, Norway, organized by the Norwegian Socialist Party, no-platforms Julie Bindel over pressure from individuals accusing her of “transphobia.” Rachel Moran withdrew from the conference in solidarity with Bindel,…
Man says he’s facing discrimination due to his age after being banned from a Starbucks for hitting on 16-year-old barista. The 37-year-old man says: “I broke no laws. I merely took a chance…
It’s a new year and a scary new world. We had to come up with new words in 2016 to describe post-truth, alt-right, Brexiteering horrors. And although we tried our best to…
Vancouver police detective James Fisher charged with sexual exploitation and sexual assault (one of the victims being a juvenile). Carrie Fisher’s death puts spotlight on women’s heart disease. “Women tend to have…
15 of Carrie Fisher’s best, most honest quotes. Carrie Fisher: So long, Princess, and thanks. The importance of General Organa: “This is the Leia that could easily have broken down or…
Portland, supposedly an “LGBTQ haven,” no longer has any lesbian bars (despite the fact there are eight bars for gay men). What’s more, the city doesn’t have a single dance party that…
Indian women are being stripped of financial independence from family patriarchs. Recently, the Indian government announced it is eliminating the 1,000 and 500 rupee banknotes from its currency system, forcing citizens to…
Judge who gave Brock Turner (Stanford swimmer rapist) light sentence is cleared of misconduct. Study shows women are better doctors than men, yet men are paid more! In the U.S., there would…
Oxford student union advises students to use gender neutral pronouns such as “ze,” instead of “he” or “she,” in order to avoid offending transgender students. Canadian government to study effects of violent…
Female filmmakers in sausage suits storm Australian red carpet, shouting “end the sausage party!” to protest male domination of film industry. Trump’s harassment of a teenage girl on Twitter lead to rape…
In contrast to the starry-eyed sci-fi of previous decades, wherein humans seek Artificial Intelligence in order to solve the great mysteries of the universe, in HBO’s Westworld, corporate interests dump an ungodly…
The Femicide Census shows that over 900 women were killed by men (most by current or former partners) in six years in England and Wales. Angela Merkel calls for burqa ban in…
Breaking: Bresha Meadows will not be tried as an adult, no longer faces possible life sentence in prison. The 15-year-old girl has been incarcerated for four months after allegedly killing her abusive…