What’s the difference between Sherlock Holmes and Hermione Granger? One is brilliant by nature and the other has to work her butt off. These literary figures represent the gender bias of our…
Study finds that women in meetings are not only “manterrupted,” but actively punished for making their voices heard. Another study suggests that men don’t know the meaning of “rape.” Cartoonist Evan Munday…
Inside the dark psychology of the male Internet commenter: “Men may be unlikely to acknowledge gender bias in order to maintain their own privileged position.” What the hell are the Halifax police…
Manslamming – On crowded city streets, men expect women to dodge out of their way. One of the many, sexist “microagressions” of urban living. Studying racist and sexist “microagressions” in universities. Hey…
“Speaking on a tightrope: women at work.” Studying how women are constantly interrupted and shot down when speaking in professional settings. Also on the subject of men not wanting to hear women’s…
Bill Cosby makes a joke about raping a woman in his audience: “You have to be careful about drinking around me.” Remark is met with loud applause. “Can a video game help…
So, those violently misogynistic Dalhousie Dentistry students were suspended for a few measly days. The university then came up with this “restorative justice” plan as a way to deal with the incident.…
“Opposing sexism, not sex: how does a feminist mother explain a lap-dancing club?” – Great essay by Glosswitch. [New Statesman] “How to Have Maintenance Sex.” Because servicing men’s genitals (giving them “release”)…
On the origin of “Having it all.” Hint: The phrase didn’t come from feminism. [NY Times] “Holy and Unholy Misogyny” – an Evangelical Christian woman notices a growing trend in religious circles…

Can a male member of literal royalty be held accountable for rape? Men say the woman accusing Prince Andrew “should not be believed.” [BBC] Women who worked for Epstein at his mansion…
What’s Current will be on holiday break from Dec 24th to Jan 5th. Wishing a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year to all you wonderful readers! See you in 2015! — Germany…
2014: The year women won (?) [The Guardian] Dalhousie University Dentistry School is busted for both students and professors creating a culture of sexual harassment and misogyny. [CBC] Azalea Banks calls out…
“Needs More Gay” offers another interesting queer reading of pop culture. This time with the new Peter Pan Live musical, which has “never been gayer.” [Blip TV] Oh, God: “Isis ‘executes 150…
The question men’s role in feminism is both complex and simple: “Show, don’t tell.” We knew the Rolling Stone story would be used in attempts to discredit rape allegations, but now this…