Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.

What's Current: 50 shades of domestic abuse

After 25 year-old man secretly films having sex with his 17 year-old girlfriend and posts it to social media, she pours acid on his penis in retaliation. 100 rapes undeniably, directly facilitated…

What's Current: Who run the internet? Men

Male academics think the rape and torture of women happened in history “for obvious reasons.” Boss Lady Soraya Chemaly on “Why it matters that the Internet is made for men, by men.”…

What’s Current: Our breasts are not to blame for objectification

Yep, this is CENTRE PAGE NEWS from @Daily_Star today – classy. #everydaysexism (cc: @caitlinmoran @EverydaySexism) — Laurie Winkless (@laurie_winkless) January 14, 2015 “It’s time to stop blaming women for having breasts.”…