One day after Sandra Bland’s death, 18 year old Kindra Chapman was found dead in jail. The dash cam footage of Sandra Bland’s arrest appears to be have been heavily edited with…
Amnesty International’s uncritical support for sex industry has been exposed (though they intentionally tried to hide their position from members and ignored critical feedback). “What you call pimps, we call managers.” Julie…
How Andrea Constand brought Bill Cosby to justice and the temptations she surely had to just “let it go.” Bill Cosby deposition reveals he used fame, drugs, and deceit in a calculated…
Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao on how male trolls are winning the battle for the Internet. London’s worsening rent crisis puts poor women at risk for sexual exploitation through Craigslist. This DC…
“Parents dedicate new college safe space in honor of daughter who felt weird in class once.” Funny but not-so-funny at all? Magnus Meyer Hustveit sexually assaulted his girlfriend on a regular basis…
The press makes it clear that women remain the possessions of men — even in death. New app notifies you when you’re near a place where a woman made history. Beatrix Campbell…
Sex Workers Project asks MSNBC to pull show on “sex slaves” because it portrays sex work in a negative light. Reddit is just as dark a misogynist internet hell-hole as 4chan at…
Five year old finds cell phone camera in Starbucks bathroom. Facebook’s new friend request icon is a “feminist win.” Now the white outline with flippy hair is in front of the icon…
Disney World removes Bill Cosby statue from Hollywood Studio’s Hall of Fame. must be held accountable for it’s role in facilitating sex trafficking and murders of women by dropping their “adult” section.…
Subway suspends Jared amid child porn probe. In the late 1990’s Jared ran a successful porn-renting business out of his bedroom. Now decades later, authorities are finally finding that his vast porn…
Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain and the gendering of martyrdom. Recent documentaries highlight the unequal treatment of male and female artists, even in death. Dr. Lee Lakeman talks with Chris Hedges about power…
A 21-year-old Mexican woman is fined and jailed for refusing to do the ironing for her husband. Caitlyn Jenner makes Woman’s Hour 2015 Power list for being a high-profile trans woman. Note: the Woman’s…

Female night shift janitors face rape, sexual harassment, and assault. Brenda Myers-Powell bravely gives an account of the horrors she faced during her 25 years as a prostitute: And the johns –…
“Abortion drone” delivers pregnancy-terminating pills to women in Poland. Latin American cities moving to ban beauty pageants. City authorities cite that pageants are discriminatory, sexist, and promote violence against women. (*claps*) Playboy…