Today, Monday December 14th, is National Call-in Day to Keep Canadian Abuse Survivor in Canada with her Children. MM, a Canadian citizen who is wanted in the state of Georgia for bringing…
Indian government to finally criminalize marital rape. Daniel Holtzclaw convicted of rape. Sentenced to 263 years in prison. Black women want and need emotional justice: “In the US, the scant media coverage…
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau launches inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women. “No inquiry, as we know, can undo what has happened, nor can it restore what we have lost. But it…
Australian Police say porn is fueling an increase in domestic violence. “NSW Police assistant commissioner Mark Murdoch said teaching young men how to respect women was a critical battle front in the…
Polytechnique massacre 26th anniversary memorialized in Montreal. University of Ottawa law professor, Elizabeth Sheehy, spoke at a vigil hosted by the Bernadette McCann House for Women on Sunday, in recognition of National…
Montreal Massacre will be commemorated at Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter’s annual event, tomorrow, Saturday, December 5th, at the Vancouver Public Library. The Jenner family is “playing dress up” with other…
What’s Current: Martin Tremblay ruled a dangerous offender, sentenced to indeterminate jail sentence
Martin Tremblay, the B.C. man who preyed on Indigenous girls on the DTES for years has been ruled a dangerous offender and sentenced to an indeterminate jail sentence. Tremblay was convicted in…
It’s time we admit the fact that there are many ways to be male and female. New research published yesterday puts yet another nail in the coffin of the myth of the…
Porn actor James Deen dropped from major porn studio amid rape allegations, which is ironic considering that Kink’s product is violent sex. That thing where you log in to the internet…
Gunman shoots multiple people at Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs. White U.S. Senator says terrorists “look more like me” than Middle Easterners, stating, “They are generally white males, who have shot…
Despite the growing numbers of women in journalism, progress for women in news media grinds to a halt. Extensive results of the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) released November 23 show that:…
Gambia has announced it will ban female genital mutilation, a practice that affects three-quarters of women in the west African country. President, Yahya Jammeh, said, last night, that the ban would come…
Thirteen-year-old girl lured via Facebook, forced into prostitution by two young men and a 17-year-old girl in Toronto. “If there was not a demand for sex with a child, then there would…
Seven girls were kicked off their high school basketball team for complaining about the “very feely” coach. Sign the petition to save the Butterfly Cave that has acted as sanctuary to generations…
The “Female Viagra” isn’t selling! It turns out women don’t want to take an expensive daily pill with sketchy side effects that may or may not make submitting to sex more appealing.…