Shock and outrage over the mass sexual assault in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve has captivated the world through an outpouring of media coverage and debate. German women held protests, furious…
UK police have established a “managed prostitution area” in Leeds, where johns and prostituted women are decriminalized in buying and selling sex, from seven at night till seven in the morning. Sarah…
Feminism is to be taught in UK A-level politics curriculum after 17-year-old June Eric-Udorie’s online campaign. Sister of Saudi blogger Raif Badawi arrested and jailed in same prison. In a statement, Amnesty…
“The war against German women has been raging all along.” The mass sexual assault in Cologne is not a freak incident caused by an influx of Arab asylum seekers. Germany, itself, has…
We should look to the sex of the Cologne attackers, not their race: “In focussing on difference, in this case, racial or ethnic difference, we miss vital similarity. There is a common…
New study finds that attractive female university students earn higher grades than unattractive female students do. For male students, looks don’t seem to matter. Isis has executed what is believed to be…
Steely Dan’s Donald Fagen has been arrested for domestic assault of his wife, musician Libby Titus. Thirteen-year-old American girl dies from tampon use. New York Democratic rep, Carolyn Maloney, has since introduced…
Twitter has a new hate speech policy. Attacking users on the basis of their “gender” and “gender identity” will now supposedly prompt the deletion of accounts. It remains to be seen whether…
Star Wars has a female lead! The main male character is her sidekick! The villain is an angsty young dude who throws raging mantrums because she’s better than him! The lightsaber fights…
Abusive misogynist, R Kelly attempts to deflect questions about child pornography and sexual assault allegations by proving what an abusive misogynist he is. (Video: Watch after 6:30) To the people who tweeted…
Yet another disgusting result of legalizing prostitution, male driving instructors in Holland can now ask women pay them with sex in what’s been dubbed the “ride for ride” law. Muslim women urge…
Amy Poehler and Tina Fey did not disappoint with their collab hosting of SNL last weekend. Highlights include the sketch “Meet Your Future Wife,” in which Tina and Amy travel into the…
A couple of compassionate profiles on Rachel Dolezal seek to explain her identification as “black.” From The Guardian: “Other people are operating on an autopilot that race is coded in your DNA,…
Male members of family pose with bound and gagged female members of family for Christmas photo shoot with the sign “Peace On Earth.” Cosby files countersuit against the women he raped, claiming…
Miley Cyrus’ explicitly pedophiliac new music video features her dressed up like a baby crawling around and singing: “F*ck me so you stop baby talking.” “Though Jezebel’s Tobi Gbile has made an…