United Airlines pilot, Bruce Wayne Wallis, has been arrested for running massive prostitution ring in Houston, Texas. He used the Internet to advertise his brothels and charged women $400 a week to…
Judge acquits former CBC Radio host, Jian Ghomeshi, on all charges of sexual assault and choking. Protesters rally outside the courthouse in outrage over Ghomeshi acquittal. Women express widespread anguish online. Prime…
Lena Dunham says she’s received “more hostility” for backing Clinton over Sanders then she ever has received from the American right wing. Serena Williams responds to Raymond Moore’s comments, saying that women…
Glosswitch asks: “Is it up to Jamie Oliver to say how women should breastfeed?” Jeremy Corbyn says that the UK should decriminalize prostitution, but what do women on the front line think?…
New study shows that, as women take over a male-dominated field, pay drops: “A striking example is to be found in the field of recreation — working in parks or leading camps…
Leilani Muir, the first woman to successfully sue the Alberta government for forced sterilization under the Eugenics Act, dies at 72. The War At Home: documentary looks at Canada’s failure to help…
Caitlyn Jenner says that Trump would be “very good for women’s issues,” and that Hillary Clinton is a “fucking liar.” Facebook hands Celeste Liddle a third ban for posting an image of…
Who made Donald Trump the man he is today? His grandfather, in part, who amassed the first Trump fortune on the backs of prostituted women. UN Women launches The Global Gender Equality…
The newly launched Women’s Media Center Speech Project argues that online anonymity is critical for women and how Facebook’s “real name policy” harms women who have been the targets of abuse. “People…
Sylvia Pankhurst: shunned, snubbed, now to be honoured, at last, with London statue. The first uterus transplant in the U.S. fails, hospital says. Clinical trial that aims to do 10 uterus transplants…
Rumours surface that Sony Music is trying to find a way to end Dr. Luke’s contract amid public outcry over his abuse of Kesha. Dr. Luke’s lawyer refutes these claims. Bombay woman…
Meghan Murphy argues that third wave feminism and an increasingly individualistic culture have rendered the word “feminism” meaningless. Time to get radical with our feminism! Alberta’s Court of Appeal rules women’s groups…
UK leftist political leader, Jeremy Corbyn, comes out in favour of blanket decriminalization of prostitution, including the decriminalization of pimps, johns, and brothel owners. It is expected that female Labour MPs will…
Honduras environmental and Indigenous activist, Berta Cáceres, assassinated in her home. In 2015, the co-founder of the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Honduras won the Goldman Environmental prize, the world’s leading environmental…
Just a reminder of how ignorant American anti-abortion lawmakers are: GOP lawmaker, Pete Nielson, says that “trauma” prevents pregnancy from incest and rape, and that he knows this because he has five…