What’s Current is Feminist Current’s daily news round up.

What’s Current is Feminist Current’s daily news round up.
I doubt very much that a gay man in pearls and lipstick was unanimously seen as an ideal CPAC speaker, yet they were going to allow it. The only redeeming thing about…
The Washington Examiner is breathlessly insisting that progressive, California Democrats have legalized child prostitution. This is pure poppycock. It will remain illegal in California to sell or buy a child for sex,…
Can you even imagine if Trump had said that he likes to just walk up to people of a particular, racially-oppressed ethnicity and punch them, because when you’re a white guy, they…
I’m astonished when liberals say that Clinton’s campaign offers nothing to people left behind in the economy. It’s worrying how often the key issues she raises — child care, abortion access, elder…
“We’re not in this for power,” he said. The man was a staffer at a multi-million member nonprofit organization, and we were sitting in a planning meeting for a cross-movement political action.…
To call a man a “man’s man” is usually meant as a compliment. To call almost anyone a “girly girl” is at best gentle ribbing, at worst, a dire criticism. If men…