What’s Current: Doctors confirm Lia Thomas has unfair advantage in NYT report

  • In an interview with the New York Times doctors say that trans-identified male swimmer Lia Thomas has an unfair advantage over the women he competes with, even while taking testosterone suppressants in accordance with U.S. college athletic guidelines.
  • Former justices of Canada’s top court say the Armed Forces failed to properly address sexual misconduct in the military, recommending that sexual assault claims be turned over to civilian courts.
  • New data shows the number of Indigenous women currently incarcerated in British Columbia prisons has risen to an “all-time high” of over 50 per cent.
  • A woman is forced to give birth to her stillborn son at home and store the remains in her refrigerator after a London hospital sent her home due to lack of delivery beds.
  • The family of Feng Daoyou, a victim of the Atlanta massage parlour shooting that targeted Asian women, refuses to transfer her remains back to her home village in China because she was unmarried.


Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.