يوم الاثنين الساعة السابعة مساءً، سنقرع طنجرة\نرفع لافتة من شرفات وشبابيك منازلنا لأجل كل من تعيش تعنيف وترويع.
خلال النشاط، بامكانك ان اردتِ ان تتصوري وان تنشري الصورة مع هاشتاغ #طالعات و #ضجة_بدل_الصمت ومع اشارة\تاغ لصفحة “وطن حر، نساء حرّة”. pic.twitter.com/Q6W0KwMnxv— #طالعات: نساء حرة = وطن حر (@tal3at_sept26) April 18, 2020
- Women in Latin America and Palestine are among those facing increases in domestic violence during COVID-19 social distancing, while the UNHCR warns about increased risks of sex-based violence and forced marriage for displaced women and girls.
- A third of US working women’s jobs have been deemed essential services during the coronavirus shutdowns.
- Four Australian children, aged two months to eight years old, have been rescued from a global sex trafficking ring that sold videos of their abuse and rape online.
- Moroccan gay men worry that a video by a trans-identified male beauty blogger encouraged followers to use dating apps to out them.