- Scott Paul Beierle, the Florida man who shot and killed killed two women in a yoga studio over the weekend, had a history of arrests for assaulting women. He had also posted racist and misogynist videos to his YouTube channel. He died after he shot himself.
- Former CFL player Josh Boden has been charged with second-degree murder in connection with the death of his ex-girlfriend, Kimberly Lynn Hallgarth, who was found dead in her Burnaby home in 2009. Boden has multiple sexual assault charges in his past.
- Simone Biles is the first woman in 30 years to win medals in all six events at the world gymnastics championship, and will go home with four gold medals for the US team.
- The UK’s Tavistock Centre is undergoing a procedural review after a senior staff member and some parents accused the NHS gender identity service for children of fast-tracking young people for medical transition.
- A Gloucester man has been sentenced to at least 29 years in jail for the brutal stabbing murders of his wife and 11-year-old stepdaughter.
- In India, a 13-year-old Dalit girl was beheaded in front of her mother for refusing sex with an older, married man of a higher social caste. There has been disagreement about whether the crime should be regarded as more sex-based, or caste-based. Discrimination and crimes against women on the basis of sex are rife in the country. Recently, a woman who was burned alive with her two daughters for not having a son.