- As the Tory government prepares to consider changes to the UK Gender Recognition Act (GRA), a new poll (PDF) reveals that only 18 percent of respondents — 13 percent of Tory voters, 18 percent of Lib Dem voters, and 24 percent of Labour voters — support following a self-identification standard without a doctor’s approval.
- An open letter in the Morning Star calls for an end to intimidation tactics aimed at silencing women’s participation in the GRA debate.
- In the US, a three-year-old refugee girl has died of her wounds, after an American citizen attacked and injured nine people at her birthday party with a knife. The victims’ families are refugees from Ethiopia, Iraq, and Syria.
- Female sports journalists reporting on the World Cup matches are also reporting on the sexual harassment they face at work.
- Ochanomizu University, a women’s college in Tokyo, will begin accepting trans-identified male students in 2020.