- It’s election day in Ontario, and Doug Ford, the brother of Rob Ford — a man who has made blatantly sexist remarks and pledged to introduce anti-abortion legislation — and the Progressive Conservatives have won a majority government
- Women working in Asian factories manufacturing clothing for H&M and the Gap report that they are routinely physically and sexually assaulted.
- A 53-year old Manitoba man has been charged with buying sex from a 16-year-old Indigenous girl while she was living at a group home run by the province’s child-welfare agency.
- Eyvi Agreda died in Peru last week. Carlos Hualpa — a man who had stalked her for years with impunity — doused her with gasoline and set her on fire while she was riding a bus in April. Over the weekend, women who took to the streets to protest femicide were teargassed.
- The UK Supreme Court has dismissed a lawsuit challenging Northern Ireland’s anti-abortion laws. The majority of judges said that the laws violate women’s human rights they ruled that the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission did not have standing to bring a legal challenge forward.
- Two women – Skye Martin and Samantha Piercey – recently died while incarcerated at the Clarenville Correctional Centre for women in Newfoundland. Former prisoners are speaking out about conditions at the prison and advocates are demanding an inquiry into the provincial correctional system.