- Four current and former female prison guards have filed a $43.4 million suit against Correctional Services of Canada and the corrections officer’s union over claims that male guards tortured and sexually harassed them, while abusing their power as union officials to squelch complaints.
- An Australian report says that 80 per cent of domestic violence homicides are cases of a man killing a woman.
- An independent congressional candidate in Virginia has admitted to running pro-pedophilia sites, has bragged about raping his deceased former wife, supports “benevolent” white supremacy, and talks about eliminating women’s rights and feminism through legislation and rape. Incels and white supremacists have praised him widely.
- A new UK report demonstrates the ways that abusive fathers use prejudices against women in the family court system to perpetuate their coercive control and abuse of former spouses and children.
- Women have to wait longer from onset of initial symptoms, and see more specialists, before getting a diagnosis for serious illness than male patients, due to damaging stereotypes and prejudice against women in the medical profession.