- The mother of one of the murdered girls in the Santa Fe, TX, school shooting alleges that the shooter harassed her daughter for four months before she turned him down, with much of the subsequent news coverage blaming the shooting on the killer being “spurned.” Victoria Smith writes:
“There’s something truly depressing about finding the world view of a killer reflected in the reporting of his crimes. Then again, belief that women and girls exist to tend to the sexual and emotional needs of men and boys is everywhere.”
- The US Supreme Court’s ruling in support of forced arbitration in employment contracts — which allows employers to demand that grievances be settled by private arbitrators hired by the employer — will make it extremely difficult for women to bring class action lawsuits over systemic sexual harassment.
- A report by a UK parliamentary panel finds that Eastern European women are being trafficked into the country for sexual exploitation by British men on an ‘“industrial scale.” Sophie Walker, leader of the Women’s Equality Party, says the report shows the importance of curbing coercion and exploitation by criminalizing the purchase of sex, while ensuring that trafficked women aren’t prosecuted.
- The Duchess of Sussex’s new profile on the royal website continues her focus on women’s issues, including the fight against period poverty in India.