According to a new report by Fair Play for Women, as many as half of trans-identified male inmates in the UK may be sex offenders.
Eight women have accused longtime US broadcast journalist, Charlie Rose, of sexual harassment while they worked, or aspired to work with him.
A survey of 500 housekeepers and servers (low-paying professions dominated by immigrant women) in Chicago hotels and casinos revealed that a majority are subject to severe sexual harassment, indecent exposure, and assault by male guests.
Students and parents at an Alberta school have expressed dismay over a decision to replace the majority of the single-sex washrooms with gender neutral facilities.
Lindsay Shepherd, a graduate teaching assistant at Wilfrid Laurier University, has been reprimanded for neutrally presenting a video from an Ontario public television debate with Prof. Jordan Peterson about pronoun use in relation to gender identity, after the subject came up in class.
Russell Simmons is accused of forcing a 17-year-old model into performing oral sex on him, while in the company of director Brett Ratner, who has also been accused of multiple incidents of sexual harassment and rape.