- One day after Polish women staged marches to protest the country’s restrictive abortion law, police raid the offices of women’s rights groups, seizing computers and shutting down their operations. ” In a statement, the Women’s Rights Centre said: “We are afraid that this is just a pretext or warning signal to not engage in activities not in line with the ruling party.”
- The financial firm that installed the “Fearless Girl” in front of the Wall Street bull paid out a settlement for underpaying minority and female employees.
- Buzzfeed exposes the way liberal men colluded with white nationalist/misogynist Milo Yiannopoulos.
- Girls who are ashamed of their bodies are more likely to skip meals and avoid socializing, a problem that is exacerbated by social media sites like Instagram that provide a steady stream of unattainable beauty ideals.
- Claire Heuchan: “When feminists who have spent decades challenging sexism, racism, and homophobia are viewed as a risk to the wellbeing of students, something has gone very wrong indeed.”