Trans-identified male, Fallon Aubee (previously Jean-Paul Aubee), has applied for a transfer to a women’s penitentiary based on a new policy prompted by off-the-cuff comments made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau earlier this year. The new policy considers trans-identified inmates for placement in prisons based on their “gender identity” rather than their sex. Aubee is serving a life sentence at B.C.’s Mission Institution for first-degree murder.
“They made more money, the younger the girl was.” Bridget Perrier speaks out about men who exploit girls in the sex trade, in light of the Project Raphael arrests.
Five lesbians were attacked by 15 men outside a pub in Portsmouth, who also shouted homophobic abuse at them. One of the victims was hit so hard she lost seven of her front teeth and her jaw was dislocated.
Julie Bindel: “The rise in pregnant women for sale in the sex trade fits perfectly with the neoliberal notion that the female body is nothing but a marketplace, where everything is for sale.”
New street art project addresses the effects of mass incarceration on mothers and daughters. The #UnbrokenByBars website explains:
“Many women are incarcerated for non-violent offenses related to drugs or self-defense and have been victims of relational abuse or race-related violence and poverty. Women are the fastest growing prison population, but incarceration affects female migrants of color and Black-Americans at the highest rate.”