In a legal first in England and Wales, convicted domestic abuser must tell police if he starts a relationship with another woman. The court order also permits police to disclose his history of violence against women to future partners.
Pennsylvania teen reports her Chili’s manager for relentless and predatory sexual harassment. After she quit, her former coworkers threw a party to support the manager and to shame her. The party featured a “Fuck [her name]” cake. The manager has since been fired.
Rachel Moran, sex-trade survivor and abolitionist, sets the record straight on lies that she never experienced prostitution. Read her recent reflection on the passing of the Sexual Offences Act in Ireland if you’re not familiar with her activism and her analysis which, although grounded in her own experience, recognizes the harmful effects of prostitution on all women:
“I feel that we women — all women — have been mentally abused by the institution of prostitution. Its first harm is brainwashing, the peripheral harm that affects us all. It has indoctrinated us to accept prostitution as a part of life. Even if we have never experienced it personally and never will, we have come to accept it as routine in the lives of other women. We have come to accept it as a feature of female experience and as a regular fixture of our world; something in the atmosphere of our female relationship with reality itself. There might be no ‘would’ or ‘should’ in an individual life, but, for all women, there always exists the ominous ‘could.'”
Target CEO announces that they “didn’t adequately assess the risk” of new unisex dressing room and shared bathroom policy.
Kirsten Dunst on the difference between shooting a sex scene for a male director versus a female director.