In Robert Jensen’s new book, The End of Patriachy: Radical Feminism for Men, he asks one question: “What do we need to create and maintain stable, decent human communities that can remain in a sustainable relationship with the larger world?” His answer is feminism.
The book puts forth a radical feminist challenge to institutionalized male dominance, offers a historical and social analysis of patriarchy itself, a critique of the sexual subordination of women, and a challenge to gender identity politics.
The End of Patriarchy isn’t only for men (it’s actually a great Radical Feminism 101 text), but in advocating a radical feminist analysis as foundational to undoing the institutionalized hierarchy that harms people and the planet, Jensen creates a powerful argument for men to adopt this approach.
In this episode, I speak with Robert Jensen about his book, current challenges to the movement, and how men can act as effective allies.
Robert is a professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas, a founding board member of the Third Coast Activist Resource Center, and a member of the board of Culture Reframed.
His forthcoming book, The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men, will be out in early 2017 from Spinifex Press.