Gender identity activist Dana Rivers arrested for brutal murder of lesbian couple and their son.
Feminist writer and artist, Renee Gerlich banned from New Zealand’s Wellington Zinefest for opposing the cover of a local magazine which pictured a manga-style pornographic image of a woman being raped from behind.
Seven-year-old Ontario girl prostituted on Craigslist. Eight arrested for her rape and distribution of child porn.
Nothing sells smart phone apps like severed women’s body parts.
With Steve Bannon appointed, Trump’s signed up the meme-makers of misogyny:
“[T]he website Breitbart News, of which Bannon was executive chairman, is open in its contempt for feminism and in its calls for ethnic segregation. They were the ‘meme-makers’ both of white supremacy and virulent misogyny. Abortion providers are routinely are compared to the murderers of the Holocaust.”