Clayton Eichler pleads guilty to murders of two Indigenous women, Kelly Goforth and Richele Bear.
On Saturday, 25-year-old Ryan Lawrence pleaded guilty to murdering his daughter. He beat the 21-month-old to death with a baseball bat because he was “jealous” that she was getting more attention than him.
Cheltenham’s Liberal Democrat chairman Dennis Parsons has resigned after appearing to suggest school careers advisors should suggest prostitution as a line of work to pupils. Parsons claims he was misinterpreted when he said:
“How many schools are going to have careers officers say to people, ‘have you thought about prostitution? It’s not going to happen. And that’s a cultural thing. Why shouldn’t they? Why shouldn’t they?”
We may be getting closer to find the man (men) behind the pedophile ring responsible for abusing numerous child actors that has long been an open secret in Hollywood.