Kesha asks judge for permission to record with anyone besides Dr. Luke (who sexually abused her).
“Kesha has testified that Dr. Luke told her that if she ‘ever tried to get away from him for any reason that he would tie me up in litigation until my career was over.’ And that, she claims, is exactly what is happening now.”
In Detroit, pantsless man watching porn and masturbating crashes his cars and dies. (No other drivers were struck).
After the huge blizzard hit the North East last weekend, only women turned up to run the U.S. senate in Washington, D.C. Senator Murkowski commented:
“‘As we convene this morning, you look around the chamber, the presiding officer is female. All of our parliamentarians are female. Our floor managers are female. All of our pages are female.’
Murkowski noted that she and Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who was wielding the Senate gavel, hadn’t planned the all-women session. It was, she said, just a coincidence.
‘Something is genuinely different — and something is genuinely fabulous,’ Murkowski said.”
Men’s rights activists are suing women for meeting without men. (Hmm, sound familiar?) Attorney Alfred G. Rava, the legal consultant for men’s right’s group, National Coalition For Men, has filed over 150 sex discrimination lawsuits in the last 12 years, intimidating businesses that have networking or social events for women into settling out of court for large sums of money.
Eight words that illustrate the sexism embedded in the English language.