Feminism is to be taught in UK A-level politics curriculum after 17-year-old June Eric-Udorie’s online campaign.
Sister of Saudi blogger Raif Badawi arrested and jailed in same prison. In a statement, Amnesty International called Samar’s arrest “the latest example of Saudi Arabia’s utter contempt for its human rights obligations and provides further damning proof of the authorities’ intent to suppress all signs of peaceful dissent.”
No wonder the Internet is such a toxic pool of violence against women — the tech industry is a sexist boys club. A new survey shows that 60 per cent of women in Silicon Valley experience sexual harassment:
“Additionally, two-thirds of the women surveyed felt excluded from networking opportunities, including lunch meetings at Hooters and on the golf course, because they were women.”
One woman spreads back against manspreaders!
Angelique Eaglewoman is the first aboriginal woman to be appointed as dean of Canadian law school.
“The Myth of the Teenage Temptress: Or why a young girl can not consent to sex with an adult male”:
“The fact is, a 14-year-old girl may be capable of agreeing to sex with a 49-year-old man, but she doesn’t have the emotional and mental maturity to consent. I was 25 before I realized that every man I’d slept with as a teenager was a pedophile. It seemed to me that since I’d courted the attention, that I was fully culpable. What teenager believes she is not mentally or emotionally capable of full consent? I thought I was an adult, although when I look at the picture of myself from the time period above, I see a child.
I thought I was the exception for these men, the girl so precocious and advanced that it superseded social norms. I thought that I was ‘older than my chronological age.’
It never occurred to me as a young sexually active teen that the adult men I had relationships with may have been manipulating me, that they had designs and motives I couldn’t see from my limited child’s perspective.”